Foster care is a temporary living arrangement for children who have experienced abuse or neglect, or whose biological families are no longer able to care for them. There are many reasons why families may no longer be able to care for their children, including loss of a job, mental illness, poverty, homelessness, and substance abuse.
Foster families provide these children with a safe and loving home for a temporary period of time.
All prospective foster parents must view a brief online orientation. A training certificate providing proof of viewing will be mailed to the prospective parents. A copy of the certificate should be provided to the supervising agency chosen by the prospective parents.
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There is an incredible need in our state for dedicated foster and adoptive parents.
When children enter foster care the primary goal is to help families resolve their challenges and reunite safely. However, when that is not achieved children can become free for adoption.
For more resources, information and support visit Foster Family Alliance of NC.
Foster parents must be at least 21-years-old.
Families must have adequate income to financially support themselves without relying on a foster care payment. The foster care payment is strictly a reimbursement for expenses related to providing room, board, and supervision to children in foster care.
Foster parents must be willing to participate in Shared Parenting, which means working with the families of children placed in your home if a supervising agency determines this is appropriate.
All applicants must complete 30 hours of training before they can be licensed. This training will be provided by the supervising agency the applicant selects. The frequency and times for this training varies from agency to agency.
Prospective therapeutic foster parent applicants must complete an additional 10 hours of training before they can be licensed. Most therapeutic foster care agencies use a course called "Becoming a Therapeutic Foster Parent."
The applicant’s home must pass a fire inspection. The supervising agency will provide information about how to attain a fire inspection. SEE FORM
The applicant’s home must pass an environmental and health regulations check conducted by the supervising agency.
The foster home must have a working telephone.
The foster home must provide each child with their own personal bed.
Applicants and household members must meet minimum physical and mental health requirements as indicated by a physical examination completed by a licensed medical provider.
All family members 18 and older must have a tuberculosis (TB) skin test. Children in the family are tested for tuberculosis (TB) only when an adult in the family tests positive.
NC law requires a criminal history check for all foster parent applicants and adult members (18 years and older) resideing in a home. Each adult must meet licensing requirements according to NC General Statue 131D. Fingerprints are used to check State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records to determine whether individuals meet these requirements.
Applications to provide foster care will be denied if applicants or hhold members are registered on the NC Sex Offender and Public Protection Registry or the Health Care Personnel Registry.
Records from local courts and the NC Department of Corrections must be checked for all adult household members.
With the assistance of their supervising agency, all foster parent applicants must complete a licensing application and a mutual home assessment (home study).
Am I ready to Foster or Adopt?
If you’re considering fostering or adopting a child stop for a moment and ask yourself these important questions:
Do I have time to care for a child and provide physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs?
Do I have support from my family, community, church and friends who will be there for me through challenging times?
Am I willing to advocate for my child? The child I foster or adopt will have special needs and possible unforeseen educational or mental health challenges.
Am I ready to commit to a child short or long term, even if times get tough? I know a child deserves stability and continuity and will be counting on me.
Am I able to support and encourage continued contact with important people in a child’s life including the birth family?
If you want to discuss your ability to foster and or adopt please call our hotline at 888-625-4375 or email us at nc.kids@dhhs.nc.gov.
Selecting a Licensing Agency?
Recommended questions to ask when selecting a licensed child-placing agency for foster care and/or adoption
• Does your agency complete foster home licensure applications for families? Is there any cost to me?
• Does your agency provide TIPS-MAPP training? [This is the training that is required for foster home licensure and strongly recommended for families that wish to adopt children from the foster care system.]
• Does your agency provide an orientation or pre-screening activity such as home or office visit before we begin the TIPS-MAPP classes?
• If a family is interested in foster care and adoption do you complete pre-placement assessments and foster home licensure simultaneously, or are they separate processes? What does your approval process look like?
• How long on average does it take for a family to be licensed as a foster family and/or approved as an adoptive family from start to finish?
• Does your agency routinely work with families who want to adopt children from the foster care system? Is this your primary client base?
• Do you complete adoptive pre-placement assessments (adoptive home studies) for families when there is not yet a specific child identified for that family?
• After a family’s pre-placement assessment has been approved, what level of involvement do you continue to have with the family?
• I am interested in adopting a child that is listed on the Adopt US Kids website. Do you routinely work with NC Kids, Adopt US Kids, and/or adoption exchanges in other states?
See below for a list of county and private licensing agencies
Who Can Foster and/or Adopt
Learn more about qualifications, myths, and characteristics agencies look for in a Foster or Adoptive Family.
Video: "At Home" Foster Adoption PSA
A worth 1 min video! Learn about adopting a teen from foster care. You can't imagine the reward.
NC County Licensing Directory
Each of North Carolina's 100 counties has a local social services agency. Select a county on the map to view phone numbers, websites, physical addresses and mailing addresses. If you have an update to county agency information, please email dssweb@dhhs.nc.gov.
Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies in North Carolina
Adopt US Kids
Adopt US Kids educates families about foster care and adoption and gives child welfare professionals information and support to help them improve their services.
Our mission: Raise public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families for children in the public child welfare system
Assist US states, territories, and tribes to recruit, engage, develop and support foster and adoptive families
The Foster Care 18 to 21 program provides support and guidance as youth transition out of foster care and into adulthood. The program also helps to increase opportunities for youth to be successful and have their well-being needs met.
Court: Roles and Obligations of Foster Parents
A great video full of information and tips about court including:
Key Players in Court
Types of Hearings
How to Support Children
Foster Parent Rights
and More -
You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to be a Perfect Parent
Imagine a child who has never experienced a loving family environment. By becoming a foster parent, you will have a deep and lasting impact on this child’s life.
Your home will be remembered as a safe place where they saw, maybe for the first time, how this world can be kind and loving.
Other Resources
Foster Family Alliance of NC will educate, advocate, and promote partnerships that lead to positive outcomes for children, youth, and resource families of NC.
In collaboration with our partners, DHHS provides essential services to improve the health, safety and well-being of all North Carolinians.
Our Mission is to be a respected national voice for Foster, Kinship and Adoptive Parents through networking, education and advocacy.